Wednesday, 9 May 2012

So ...  tonight's somewhat different in that I'm sitting here on a plane updating the blog. By the way, I have to recommend Norwegian Air, they're great if you are going anywhere in Scandanavia; great prices, spanking new planes and free WiFi on board ... Anyway, enough of being a plane spotter.

This evening, I'm eating courtesy of a trip to Pret a Manger in Gatwick's South Terminal. I've got an Indian Summer Wrap, filled with fresh spinach, cucumber, raita, mango chutney and onion bhajis. Not too bad, although I doubt I'd go for it again. The wrap's undoubtedly made fresh and the raita is nice but the onion bhaji's are straight off of Asda's 'budget bhaji bargain basement' shelf, dry and under spiced. Not enough taste / volume of the chutney to even comment. Still, probably better than a box of crisps and something else from the 'International Sky Cafe' menu on board. The picture of the pasta salad in the menu is actually disturbing ...

I've also got myself a 'Super Foods Salad' from Pret, I've had one before and it was pretty good. A bit of a mishmash of all things 'good for you' but a decent box full never the less. Hummus, various seeds and shoots, lentils, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, a bit of flat bread and some reasonable dressing.

So tonight, the man who spent yesterday afternoon cleaning out the pigs' ark and admiring how big and juicy the Gloucester Old Spot is getting, has unwittingly gone veggie!


On another note, I read in the Evening Standard about a blogger who has dedicated his life to BURGERS in and around London! He has attained such a following that he has released an iPhone app giving details of restaurants, their burgers, recipes, latest news, where to find ingredients etc.

I haven't seen this before but it is probably worth a visit to "Burgerac'" blog to see what it's all about, it can be found at

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